Feeling Low? Discover True Empowerment with FasterEFT

It is common knowledge that the mind is abstract and intangible, while the brain may be physical; the mind isn’t. The mind contains complex information that serves as the guide for our actions, beliefs, and...

Rewriting Your Past: Exploring Memory Reimprinting

Have you ever had a thought about rewriting your past? That you wish you had a magic wand so you could go back in time and change all your mistakes, regrets, pains, and traumas into...

FasterEFT and Memories: How to Work on Yourself

We get a lot of questions about how FasterEFT and memories work. You can be tapping all day long, but it won’t change anything if you are not targeting specific memories.   Watch Robert explain how...

FasterEFT and Money: Solve Your Money Problems Once and For All!

  If you've used EFT, bought online programs, invested in stocks, worked 2-3 jobs, and saved for years, but still lack money, the answer is simple: FasterEFT.   Your money problems have a source: your...

The Power of Letting Go

Have you ever blamed someone and held onto it for many years? We often go about our daily lives, blaming others. Sadly, we may do this without realizing it. Sometimes in life, we tend to...

Starting Over is Never Easy, But it Can Be Easier.

As the title says, starting over is never easy, but it doesn’t have to be as hard as we make it ourselves. Divorce happens, losses happen, people change, people pass away… these are inevitabilities of...

Transform Your Hate into Kindness and Never Be Lonely Again

To transform hate into kindness seems like a far-fetched idea for most people. But it can be done, or in most cases, it must be done. To hate something or someone puts you at the...

Happier, Healthier Lives and Relationships with eutaptics® FasterEFT™

By  Yvonne Ackermann-Masfelder   Hello there, tappers! Robert Gene and the Skills to Change team would like to introduce a new blog series featuring new, transformative success stories from within the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ community. We...

Resolving Panic Attacks with FasterEFT

Tapping using FasterEFT can help with resolving sudden surges of overwhelming anxiety and fear known as panic attacks. Panic attacks are symptoms of a bigger issue. Usually, the issue is rooted in a memory that...

Reimprinting the Source of Adrenal Fatigue

Extreme fatigue and the inability to handle stressful situations are common symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue. FasterEFT boasts of having a good track record in helping individuals suffering from Adrenal Fatigue, by eradicating the source of...

Happy Journal Helps 6 Year Old – A Mother’s Testimonial To The Power of FasterEFT

This is what Catherine A. Reeve, Ava’s mother, says, “[referring to the picture above] My daughter Ava, working on her Eutaptics’ FasterEFT Happy Journal (she is almost 6 years old). She has been through a...

“If I stop fighting, maybe I’ll float…” - A Transformation Story We Can All Relate To

When you’re a child, the one thing you look for the most is acceptance and love from your parents. Whether it’s for something you did or just a hug when you’re feeling scared or sad....