"Honestly, you can do this. I've stumbled and I've fumbled, but after 17 years I've got NO PAIN! I've gotten better and better from [eutaptics® FasterEFT™] tapping!"

Lalita Holmes
"Here I am, in front of all of you guys, and I can actually say 'I love my life, I love myself, and I love all of you...' That is truly thanks to you, Robert, and thanks to [eutaptics®] FasterEFT™"

Christin McLeod
I was confronted with trauma every day [as a nurse]... Trauma had become my normal. I went online and watched three of Robert Gene Smith’s videos. I was hooked and that was the start of an amazing new career… This was like magic. In one single session, I could release the whole trauma around the emergency landing, I could stop the antidepressants and from then on it was forward all the time. It was my dream to complete level 4 and become an upper-level practitioner. I did it. The system is amazing and for the last two years, I have worked with hundreds of people.

Kowie Swart
Because of the videos I saw online, I don’t mean to make a pun but the “healing magic”, is what got me to a seminar. The work is what had me embrace adult Terry and child Terry and integrate them into one… I look at it as fun, like ‘Bring it on!’ Either I’ll be part of the problem or part of the solution, and more often than not, [because of my job] I am part of the solution…[Robert] is so genuine. When it comes time to tap on someone it’s like… they are the only focus. He uses humor, but in a way that is not threatening. He sees your problems and he genuinely wants to help you. He really cares.

Terry Brian
“2018… The year my great life that I worked hard to maintain became fantastic with little effort and has morphed into amazing things. That picture [on the left] was when I found out about eutaptics® FasterEFT™ in 2018 and I spent over 100 hours working on myself. I went to an event to meet the man behind the technique and to make sure I was on the right path. [At the time] I was waiting for brain surgery to place for dx diagnosis, I had gamma knife radiation afterwards, since then of course the pandemic arrived and shut my business down for 17 months, and a heartbreak that did not hurt... [Today] life remains FEELING easy peasy. The layers I have peeled away since 2018 just keep revealing greater things in life, my spirituality has skyrocketed.”

[My daughter Priela] had such anxiety about the dark after our dog died that she would say things like “I’m so scared that you’re gonna die too.” and then I took that on... I was so worried that she’d disassociate from animals, from friends, from love and just withdraw. I was afraid she’d become a child that wouldn’t be carefree. And I saw that fear and anxiety coming up. I was afraid she’d have to go on medicine… We talked about how tapping can help and how the brain works and she was doing it on her own after a while. Now I see that she notices other people’s programs, like a friend [her age] and she refers them to me now [as a practitioner]. She says, “You should have your mom call my mom!”

Tammy Magnuson
“I’ve made so many new friends, I’ve gotten to travel here to train and it’s something I’ve never done and I would have never done. This training is such a different level, it’s helped me so much in my life and in my family. I have to let it all sink how great this is. It changed my life. And all of you [eutaptics® practitioners] have really helped me and changed me.”

“My baby girl is the result of our first session!” said Dave, after Robert G. Smith arrived at Habilitat, Inc, the Drug Treatment Center, in Hawaii. It was 6 years ago that Robert and Dave first met and worked together on his addiction to drugs, his past hurts, and trauma. Now Dave has built a life for himself, has a family, home and his own business. He Is getting his construction license and so many more good things are in the works!

“Being busy taking care of everyone else meant I didn’t have to take care of myself. I didn’t have to look inside. I had full blown panic just doing that. I did it anyway. I looked at the foods that I was going to, looking at the foods that I loved and what did they mean? I had awesome memories around food… it was what felt like love… But I realized, I’m smart. I’m worthy. So I chose a weight, I changed how I felt about love, and I worked and worked on this, and I lost a minimum of 65 pounds, the last time I weighed myself.”

“I owe [my] success to Robert Smith and his invention, FasterEFT. This is just the beginning and now I am getting requests from the Police staff of the prison saying, “We need your help the most”. Now I am scheduled to arrange a training program for them. I am so excited about this. It is like the government is welcoming my skills to be used for the country. I know that this is going to be another awesome experience. I will keep you updated about my journey as a FasterEFT practitioner.”

"I found [eutaptics®] FasterEFT™ in 2015... I was blown away. I knew I have to do this. I want to live a better life. From 19 years old on, I've had sessions of psychotherapy, not because I was curious, but because I was suffering... My experience was that everything helped a little. I won't say it doesn't work at all, but you can't compare it to FasterEFT™"

I am a changed person - happy, healthy, and each of my relationships has improved. My job performance is superior and my outlook on life is positive. Unbelievable Positive shifts happened as I took responsibility for my transformation, but the credit is to the amazing eutaptics® FasterEFT™ courses designed by Robert G. Smith and the team.