A Guide to FasterEFT Tapping for Fibromyalgia

A Guide to FasterEFT Tapping for Fibromyalgia

Have you ever felt like you would never be able to get out of bed? You were so tired, so lost, so in pain that it just felt hopeless. Have fibromyalgia related symptoms just hit you all at once?


It can be hard to deal with symptoms that only you can experience.


The most common misconception about fibromyalgia is that “it’s all in your head”.  Many health professionals refuse to take it seriously, let alone treat it seriously. Although medical science hasn’t yet been able to discover the cause of or a cure for fibromyalgia, FasterEFT has helped many of those with the condition to free themselves from it – permanently.


Related: How FasterEFT Freed Juli from Fibromyalgia and Ended 26 Years of Pain After 20 Surgeries


Doctors can only offer medications to treat the symptoms and since everyone has different symptoms that show at different times, it's not as effective.


However, like all problems, the cause of fibromyalgia is in the subconscious. This includes physical ailments and lifelong patterns.


Fibromyalgia is not a disease.

It is the result of the body following perfectly what the subconscious holds.

Change the information in the subconscious, and the body will follow automatically.


When can I use Faster EFT tapping to help with fibromyalgia?

FasterEFT Tapping can be used in any given situation, no matter what the event is. It can be used whenever you feel overwhelmed, in pain, anxious, or uneasy. FasterEFT tapping helps relieve emotional stress, such as fear, anger, and sadness. FasterEFT tapping can relieve many issues. These include stress, pain, cramps, headaches, nausea, IBS, cravings, insomnia, and restlessness.


FasterEFT tapping is most commonly used for feelings of stress and anxiety.


Here are a few videos to help you get inspired and get started:



Treating the symptoms won't work. It is better to fix the cause. That will free you from the condition, for good. The great thing about FasterEFT is that you can do it anywhere, anytime, on your own.


With only 5 points to tap, it's easy to remember. It's also very convenient when you can't reach a practitioner.


If you have fibromyalgia or another condition, your mind may know the cause of your symptoms. In other words, your subconscious is using some evidence of "reality."


Read: How FasterEFT Solves the REAL Cause of All Your Problems!


This evidence prompts your brain to trigger bodily responses. They produce the symptoms of fibromyalgia. However, those with emotional baggage, like PTSD, may benefit from a practitioner. Sometimes, we are too close to our own problems to be able to deal with them objectively. You can get drawn into the web of the past and get stuck. Without being able to break out of it, or as Robert calls it, de-fractionate.


This is where seeing a FasterEFT practitioner can help. FasterEFT practitioners can find the symptom's cause faster than if you work on yourself. They can see patterns, fix issues, and remove unknown blocks.


Related: Talk to a Faster EFT Practitioner


If you can't find or afford a FasterEFT practitioner, you can still work on yourself in the meantime! Success starts with a single step!


Think back to when you first noticed the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Make a note of anything that was going on at that time.

Were there any stressors or triggers when you first noticed the symptoms?


Don’t worry if you can’t remember anything specific that happened at that time. Fortunately, FasterEFT works with the subconscious. It can access info your conscious mind can't. So, you don't need to know the original cause to change it.


If you recall something from then, use the FasterEFT technique to flip the memories. If you don't recall anything from that time, note any traumas or stressful events in your life.


There’s no need to remember them in detail or to write descriptions.


Simply write one or two words to identify them for yourself – as you would on a shopping list. Then, use the FasterEFT technique to address each one until it flips. As you recall the memories, you may feel some physical effects. You must keep tapping until those feelings change.


Read: How to do the Faster EFT Tap – The Basic Recipe


How will I know if the FasterEFT tapping is working?

This is a perfectly valid question. When you’re in the middle of a tapping storm and in pain, it can be difficult to gauge if it’s working.


How can you tell if you are physically feeling better?


To truly free yourself from fibromyalgia, you need to be thorough. This is not just about relieving the pain or fatigue for a while. It’s not about the symptoms at all.


This is about cleaning up the data your subconscious is using.


One of the biggest mistakes people make when they become free from the symptoms using FasterEFT is that they stop using it. If you stop using your toothbrush, you will develop cavities in your teeth and gum disease. If you stop using FasterEFT, you will allow the bad stuff to build up again.


Like cleaning your house, washing the dishes, or weeding the garden, you must keep your mind clean. Use FasterEFT on an ongoing basis.


Go back to your problem/pain/emotion and take notice of how it has changed.


Do you feel different?

Has the intensity of the pain changed in any way?

Does the memory you were tapping on look or sound different?

Just notice.


If it has lessened in intensity, that’s a good indicator that the FasterEFT tapping is working.


Read: Why do We “Reimprint or Flip” Memories in Faster EFT?


What do I say while doing the FasterEFT Tap?

The following video will help in understand what to say while tapping:


Now, identify each of these Faster EFT Tapping points on your body and follow along!


These points can be used to tap on for any given symptom related to fibromyalgia, at any time.


Step #1: Aim

Notice how you know you have a problem.

You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they are there.

What do you feel?

Where in your body do you feel it?

What do you see or hear?

How do you know it’s a problem?


Step #2: Tap

Use two fingers to tap the following points while focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin:

  • between your eyebrows
  • beside your eye
  • under your eye
  • below your collarbone

While you are tapping, say “Let it go."

You can also add “It’s safe to let it go."

Note: It doesn’t matter which side you tap – you can do either side or both if you like.


Step #3: Peace

Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “peace” – and go to a peaceful memory for a moment.


Step #4: Check

Go back to your problem and take notice of how it has changed.

Do you feel different?

Is the intensity of the feeling different?

Does the memory look or sound different?

Just notice.


Step #5: Repeat

Repeat steps two to four until the feeling or memory has "flipped." This means that a positive memory has replaced the negative one.


Here are a few other resources to help you get started on the journey to healing with Faster EFT!

Skills to Change Institute - eutaptics® FasterEFT™ – Skills To Change Institute