Emotional Baggage: How it Affects Your Health and What You Can Do About It

When you experience an intense emotion, such as anger, joy, hatred, fear, anxiety, or shock, it becomes trapped in your body, forming memories. An event that stirs strong emotions becomes a vivid memory. Examples include getting engaged, the birth of a child, graduating, receiving a first paycheck, buying a first car, and opening a business.
Emotional Health and Memories
Emotional health is deeply connected to your memories. The subconscious mind, without logic or reason, creates structures. It links experiences by emotions. For instance, while a butterfly and a physical threat are not logically connected, the subconscious can link them through an emotional experience, even if the individual doesn’t consciously remember it.
Consider Jackson, a baby in a relaxed state, focused on a butterfly. Suddenly, a door slams, causing his body to react in shock. His brain triggers fight or flight chemicals, and his subconscious connects the danger to the butterfly, his focus at the time. From then on, butterflies trigger fear and crying in Jackson, even though his conscious mind doesn’t remember the original incident. This phobia persists into adulthood, as his subconscious associates butterflies with danger.
The Mind-Body Connection
Understanding emotional baggage helps in dealing with it. When reliving an event, your mind can't distinguish between the actual event and the memory. This triggers your body to respond as if the event is happening again. Thus, worrying about future events or reliving past traumas puts your body in fight or flight mode, producing stress chemicals. Chronic illnesses can manifest in those who constantly worry or relive trauma.
Healing through Thoughts
The mind-body connection has gained interest. This has led to therapies that balance emotions with physical health. FasterEFT is a highly effective, efficient, and easy-to-learn method.
Thousands of testimonials from healthcare professionals and individuals with chronic illnesses confirm that FasterEFT reduces the emotional intensity of stress-triggering memories. Once the emotional trigger is removed or reduced, the body can return to its natural state of health.
Read: How I Healed Myself of Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and MCS
Using FasterEFT for Better Health
To use FasterEFT, start with the earliest or most emotionally intense memory. If you can't decide, list all memories and work through them from the top. Addressing a few key memories will often cause others to collapse. This can improve your emotional and physical well-being.
Robert demonstrates how to do the FasterEFT tap:
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