How Does FasterEFT Work – The Science Behind FasterEFT

How Does FasterEFT Work – The Science Behind FasterEFT

Many are confused. How can saying a bunch of words and tapping certain meridian points lead to such amazing physical and emotional results?

It's hard to believe the results. They say FasterEFT tapping cures cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, Lyme disease, OCD, and PTSD.


Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations (FasterEFT) is a mind-based system. It is founded on Neurology and Biology. Emotions affect both our physical and mental well-being. Once you heal your turbulent emotions, you'll be well. FasterEFT's core belief is that, unlike traditional EFT, there is no disruption of energy. In fact, everything in your life and body is functioning as it should. The brain evolved to survive in its environment, based on your experiences.


In FasterEFT, practitioners use tapping to disrupt the brain's signal to the body's organs. This triggers the fight-or-flight response. It also changes neural pathways in the brain's neocortex. The FasterEFT Tapping Basic Recipe doesn't just fix energy disruptions. That only addresses the problem's surface. It deals with the root cause of the problems, eliminating them completely.


FasterEFT recognizes that the subconscious records experiences for future reference. This is how we learn to walk, drive, shower, eat, and wash dishes. We do these things without needing to focus on every movement and decision. Regular EFT holds that negative emotions are not linked to memories. They are caused only by a disruption in the body's energy system.


The FasterEFT Tapping Basic Recipe interrupts the brain-organs signal. It does this by focusing on the meridian points connected to those organs. This rewrites the reference or memory associated with that trigger.

For example, if Tom got angry at the loud music, he could use the FasterEFT Tapping Basic Recipe to change that. It would disrupt the chemicals that cause his anger. It would also change the loud music's meaning in his mind from "rude" to "fun." This will then result in an automatic feeling of enjoyment and fun when Tom hears that loud music in the future.


The Neuroscience of FasterEFT

The brain is complex. Neuroscientists don't know everything about it and may never will. But, neuroscience research has given us a good "working knowledge" of how the brain works to a certain extent. In other words, science has given us the knowledge to use our brains better to improve our daily lives.

We don't know everything about how our phones work. But, the "Quick Start" guide can help. It will teach us to use the phone better and the apps we need.


A Quick Start Guide for Your Brain

The brain has many sections, each with a specific function. For the quick start guide, you need to know three of these sections.

The three parts that make up your human brain for the purposes of this quick-start guide are:

  1. The neocortex;
  2. the limbic brain;
  3. the cerebellum


How does FasterEFT work at the physical level?

The Neocortex

This is where you do your thinking.

The neocortex has billions of neurons or nerve cells. Each time you think, connections form between specific neurons. Neurons form connections when a thought recurs, creating a neural pathway. It makes that connection more permanent. This is how we learn information intellectually. Thoughts on the same topic will be wired in "gangs" or communities – forming neural networks. When you stop to think about a certain thought, the connection weakens or atrophies.

This is how we forget information.

But, the connection was present. So, rewiring it will take less time depending on when it was made and the type of connection. As a result, it will relearn that information.


The Limbic Brain

The limbic brain is also known as the chemical brain and is basically our “drug lab."


It is where chemicals are made in response to the connections in the neocortex. When we have a thought, the neocortex connects. This triggers the limbic brain to produce chemicals. They create sensations that match the thought.

In other words, a sad thought triggers your limbic brain. It produces chemicals that cause feelings of sadness in your body.

A happy thought triggers your limbic brain. It releases chemicals that cause happiness in your body.


The Cerebellum

This is the oldest part of the human brain, and it is the seat of the unconscious.

This is the part of the brain that allows you to carry out actions without needing to think about each aspect. It is also the part of the brain that produces your automatic reactions to triggers and stimuli.

When someone "pushes your buttons," your cerebellum responds. It triggers chemicals in your limbic brain and other organs, causing an emotional reaction.

When you learn something, you will use thought at first. This is through connections in your neocortex. It will cause a chemical response in the limbic brain and other organs.

When this is repeated, the connections in your neocortex become "wired." This allows faster information transfer between the neurons. The repetition causes the cerebellum to record the event. The wired connection in the neocortex and the chemicals in your bloodstream are to blame.

The cerebellum does not need repetition to record events. Its main job is your survival. It prioritizes any information it views as a threat to your well-being.

In other words, your brain will connect the pain of a hot stove after just one exposure. Your cerebellum will usually record a strong fight-or-flight response to a threat the first time it occurs.

From then on, if you face that threat again, your subconscious will trigger a response. Your brain will signal your organs to produce the fight-or-flight chemicals. This will put your body in a state of emergency. You will experience the state as fear, anxiety, anger, hurt, or any other stress emotion.


The threat does not necessarily need to be real.


Your subconscious can't reason, use logic, or tell right from wrong. It only responds to its existing data, no matter if it's true or not.


Let’s take an example:

Mary, an 8-year-old, faces a stressful situation at school. The teacher asks her to recite unknown information. Then, she scolds her in front of the class for failing.

Mary’s body goes into a state of fight-freeze-or-flight – the stress response – and the cerebellum is triggered to record the event as a threat.

The brain links being the center of attention to the fight-freeze-or-flight stress response.

The exact connection will depend on the data already held in her subconscious.

This may cause a fear of public speaking, social anxiety, or other issues. It depends on her other memories and what she continues to collect.

As you live, your subconscious recalls its records. It triggers your brain and body to respond.


How does FasterEFT work with respect to the tapping points?

The Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe has only FIVE steps that take only 30 seconds to do.


Anyone can learn this simple technique, no matter their age. They can use it anytime, anywhere, with lasting results.

It may seem strange at first. But, after a few rounds with the Faster EFT Tapping Basic Recipe, you'll feel more comfortable.


The following illustration is simple. We'll also explain it briefly.


For now, just identify each of these Faster EFT Tapping points on your body and follow along!


Step #1: Aim

Notice how you know you have a problem.

You don’t need to know what the emotions or feelings are, just notice how you know they are there.

What do you feel?

Where in your body do you feel it?

What do you see or hear?

How do you know it’s a problem?


Step #2: Tap

Use two fingers to tap the following points while focusing on the feeling of your fingers on your skin:

  • between your eyebrows
  • beside your eye
  • under your eye
  • below your collarbone

While you are tapping, say “Let it go."

You can also add “It’s safe to let it go."

Note: It doesn’t matter which side you tap – you can do either side or both if you like.


Step #3: Peace

Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “peace” – and go to a peaceful memory for a moment.


Step #4: Check

Go back to your problem and take notice of how it has changed.

Do you feel different?

Is the intensity of the feeling different?

Does the memory look or sound different?

Just notice.


Step #5: Repeat

Repeat steps two to four until the feeling or memory has "flipped." This means that a positive memory has replaced the negative one.


How does FasterEFT work at the Physical Level?

Dr. Joe Dispenza, a neuroscientist, says that in the neocortex of the brain, nerve cells that fire together wire together. So, the more you think and react as you always have, the more your thinking and reactions become automated.

He stresses that to change your automatic responses, you must be aware of your habitual thinking (metacognition). Then, you must make different choices at the moment.

When you stop using a connection and use a different one, you literally rewire your brain's neocortex.


How does FasterEFT work at the Emotional Level

Consistent FasterEFT tapping “rewires” the neocortex. This causes a change in automatic thought patterns—and, as a result, in emotional states. But, there may be a faster and more direct way to make these changes.

FasterEFT aims to turn memories that cause negative emotions into positive ones.

Changing a memory from negative to positive makes the body feel good. The positive chemical responses cause this effect.

In addition to this, the changes in the neocortex are automatic. All changes in thought patterns cause restructuring in the neocortex.FasterEFT not only causes the user to think differently. It uses new connections in the neocortex. It does this with the original memory, not just the current thoughts. In other words, it is designed to work with the subconscious. It controls your automatic reactions and responses. So, it does not work with the neocortex (and, by association, the limbic brain) alone.


The result is: very fast, significant changes in the brain and in the automatic responses of the body.

Instead of the needed repetition to rewire the brain, the changes are made using the cerebellum. It controls automated reactions and emotional memories.


Try it yourself

It's free, and you need no special equipment or experts. So, you can run your own experiment and test it.

Persistence is essential.

Don’t stop until it’s changed – even if it doesn’t feel like it’s going to change – it will, as long as you keep going until it does.


Good luck and let us know how it goes!

