5 FasterEFT Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

You may have heard about suicide rates peaking around the holiday season. While that isn't entirely true, suicide rates are higher in Spring and early Summer. It IS true that depression and stress peak during the Holidays.
People face high expectations and many problems. They have money, family, and children's issues. They deal with accidents, funerals, gatherings, deadlines, and weight. These are the things you may battle throughout the year, but during the holiday season, the stress gets to you. But those prone to depression feel the brunt of these issues weighing down on them and making an already chronic illness even worse.
However, if you follow the following FasterEFT tips, you can make sure you beat depression this holiday season, instead of succumbing to it!
1. Plan some “Me” time ahead of time.
Make sure you schedule some “me” time this Holiday season, no matter how busy your schedule is.
It can be something simple like taking a nap, reading a book, playing with your kids – whatever makes you feel good.
Just make sure you don’t forget to have some “me” time during shopping, baking, and taking care of the family.
Related: If you’re having resistance to doing this, read 5 Tips for Living Guilt-Free using FasterEFT.
2. Be prepared to make adjustments this Holiday season.
If family gatherings stress you, learn the FasterEFT tapping technique. Then, mentally do the FasterEFT taps.
If you know you are going to be meeting some people who get on your nerves, then prepare a neutral response such as, “I see what you’re saying. Let’s talk about this some other time.”
Or avoid them if possible.
If that's not possible, excuse yourself for a few minutes. Go to the restroom, kitchen, or basement. Use FasterEFT to clear any stress, anger, or frustration you may feel.
3. Be grateful for the blessings you have.
It may seem small, but science proves that gratitude heals and calms the body.
This holiday season, make a concentrated effort to focus more on being grateful than on complaining about what isn’t working.
It can be difficult at first because we’re so used to looking for things that aren’t working.
Read: FasterEFT Tapping for Stress and Anxiety
But if you try gratitude for a few days, you’ll be surprised to see how easy it is to be grateful and how good it feels.
Before bed, or after waking, write in your FasterEFT Happy Journal. List all the things you are grateful for in your life.
Interested? Join our Facebook Happy Journal Group
4. It’s ok to be sad.
We know there are a lot of people who have suffered a loss during the Holiday season.
If you’re in mourning, this is a good time to share your grief with loving people.
Reach out to support groups, either online or near your place of residence.
Related: Join the FasterEFT community on Facebook
Everyone grieves differently. So, don't force yourself to be merry. It's okay to feel sad during the Holidays.
We suggest tapping into your grief so that you can begin to heal and move on with your life.
Read: How To Deal With Grief
5. Warning: Overindulgence
This is usually the time when people pack on a few extra pounds.
It’s easy to use the holiday season as an excuse to overindulge in eating and making unhealthy food choices.
You can just as easily satisfy your sweet tooth in one slice of cake as you can in three slices.
Apart from being extremely bad for your body, this overindulgence in food will make you feel guilty afterward.
This kind of unhealthy emotional association with food, just for the sake of holiday cheer, is just not worth it in the long run.
Use these 5 FasterEFT Keys to help you maintain a healthy weight for your body.
We need to remember that parties are not an invitation to overeat.
Eat only what you think is enough for your body.
Read: How Faster EFT Tapping Helped Someone Lose 100 lbs!
References: 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits of Gratitude That Will Motivate You to Give Thanks Year-Round