5 Tips for Living Guilt-Free using FasterEFT

Guilt is one of the most destructive emotional states we can find ourselves in. Not only does it torment us emotionally, but it has a powerful effect on our ability to function in all areas of our lives.
While there may be a tendency to believe it can be useful in some way, the truth is that it has no positive or productive effects at all.
While you are feeling guilty, your brain and body are not functioning optimally since guilt is a stressful emotion.
We’re taught to feel guilty (some of us more than others!) as we grow up. And feeling guilty is a way in which we are taught responsibility. It’s a way that those who raised us try to make sure we know when we’re wrong. Then, as adults, we continue to keep ourselves in line using guilt. We take over from where “they” left off and continue to make ourselves feel guilty out of habit.
In theory, guilt seems like it could be a useful tool.
Guilt has absolutely no value.
Guilt causes pain, damage, and disruption in all areas of life. It affects health, relationships, and careers, even those unrelated to the guilt. It also harms finances.
So, let’s look at the fastest and most effective way to let go of the heavy burden of guilt.
If you feel guilty for something you've done, or if you have misplaced guilt, the Faster EFT process can help. It can free you from your burden.
Don’t miss this: Free 5-Day eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Course
How to Get Rid of Guilt Using FasterEFT
Step One:
Notice how you know you feel guilty.
What are you guilty of?
Feel the feeling of guilt (this is the aim), and notice how strong it is.
Step Two:
Using two fingers and focusing on the feeling of your fingertips on your skin, gently tap the following points while saying the phrases:
– Between your eyebrows – “I release and let it go.”
– Beside your eye – “It’s okay to let this go now.”
– Under your eye – “It’s safe to let this go now.”
– Just below your collarbone – “I don’t need it anymore, and I’m safe as I let it go.”
Step Three:
Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out, and say "Peace," then go to a peaceful memory.
Enjoy the feeling of your peaceful memories for a moment.
Step Four:
Go back to the guilt and notice if it has changed.
If it has, notice how it has changed and what is left.
Then repeat Steps One to Four until the feeling has completely changed.
If it hasn’t changed, notice how this guilt is represented in you.
Is it a specific memory?
If so, what do you see, feel, or hear in this memory?
Notice it, and then go through Steps Two to Four again until the memory changes.
While you are going through the process, you may find that certain memories and other thoughts come to you—tap on them as well.
Though they may not relate to your guilt, they come to you because your subconscious connects with you.
Once you’ve tapped on and cleared away the feelings of guilt, use the tips below to help you along your journey to living a guilt-free life.
Read: How to do the Faster EFT Tap – The Basic Recipe
Here are 5 tips below for dealing with Guilt using FasterEFT:
Accept the kind of guilt you have and its purpose; then let it go!
One of the benefits many people see in guilt is that it prevents them from doing whatever it is they feel guilty about again.
But does it?
Have you ever decided to give up a bad habit, and then slipped up and given in?
Have you noticed that if you feel guilty about it, you are far weaker when you try to resist it the next time?
Studies have shown that when people feel guilty about failing at something, they are more likely to fail in the future.
In fact, these studies have shown that when people beat themselves up over failure, they are more likely to fail bigger the next time.
When they are more forgiving of themselves, they are stronger in future situations.
Make changes NOW.
Some people don’t want to let go of guilt because they feel they deserve to feel guilty.
And that’s one way of looking at it.
The question is: does it help to correct or improve the situation?
You could eat 5 chocolate ice bars in a row because you had a fight with your spouse and chocolate is supposed to help make you feel better.
The fact is, eating a little chocolate is good for you. But, you'll gain weight if you keep eating chocolate bars after every fight.
There's a big difference between two things. One is sticking to something because you believe it's "the right thing." The other is making choices based on the results you want.
Read: How FasterEFT Tapping Helped Someone Lose 100 lbs!
Yes, you made a mistake, but it’s time to move on.
Believing you deserve to suffer will keep you stuck. But if you forgive yourself, you can find freedom and a better life.
Since your subconscious has been programmed to believe in guilt, it will feel very real to you.
This is where you need to take a leap of faith to let it go.
Recall times when you believed sething was true. After a leap of faith, you found it was not.
Learn from your mistakes.
Many of us have been taught that when something bad has happened that is our fault, we should feel guilty.
And that feeling guilty is some kind of penance that we deserve and that somehow helps to atone for the crime.
A punishment that means we, the perpetrator, will not “get away with it”.
If someone harmed you, would you want them to feel guilty forever? Or, would you want their love, kindness, and compassion?
Guilt is a dark, negative emotion; and when it is replaced with love and compassion, that is where the real healing begins.
Regardless of what you were led to believe growing up, there is never a good reason for feeling guilty.
It is like dragging a ball and chain around with you – it holds you back from making any kind of progress.
No one’s perfect.
Realizing this and accepting it can be extremely freeing. Trying to continuously hold yourself to impossible standards is a surefire way to fail.
It’s important to realize that at our core, everyone just wants to be loved.
Genuine unconditional love is the Holy Grail every person is seeking (whether they realize that consciously or not).
Choosing to let go of your guilt and replace it with unconditional love is the real antidote to anything for which you may be feeling guilty.
However, you can’t feel unconditional love and guilt at the same time.
You need to put down the guilt to pick up the love.
The FasterEFT tapping process is the best way to clear guilt. It changes the subconscious record that guilt is based on.
You Can Change Yourself Master Training Level 1 LIVE in Guthrie, Oklahoma
This course is meant for anyone who wants to learn the most effective way to solve your problems — quickly and permanently - whether or not you have any previous experience changing memories and tapping! Through the expert teachings of Robert Gene Smith and the help of carefully selected eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Teachers and Mentors, you will develop the mastery to:
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The greatest investment you can make is in your health and well-being and this is the best place to start living a better life.