Fighting Self-Esteem Issues? Eutaptics FasterEFT Offers Resolution

Fighting Self-Esteem Issues? Eutaptics FasterEFT Offers Resolution

Every one of us has those moments where we feel like a failure. We feel we aren't good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough. We think we aren't rich or lucky enough, either. Whatever you think you lack, you likely try to overcompensate for it. For some, it’s drugs; for others, it’s alcohol, partying, socializing incessantly, craving attention. Whatever destructive behavior you use to cope, and no matter how long you do it, you still have self-esteem issues.

Self-esteem is directly tied to a person’s self-worth and self-value. When you love yourself, you treat yourself better. You make choices that improve your life. You feel happier and more at peace. You don't care what others think.

Nothing on the outside has the power to disturb your peace once your self-esteem is sky-high.


Conversely, when you have self-esteem issues, you are dependent on others for your sense of value. You may find yourself dressing a certain way to get attention. You may end up cooking someone else’s favorite dinner to get their approval.

You’ll go out of your way to help someone gain a friend.


Do you see the pattern?


The good news is that FasterEFT allows you to transform your self-esteem issues directly from the source. You don’t need to force yourself to love yourself, don’t need expensive medication, or chant in front of a candle. You’ll automatically start loving yourself once you apply FasterEFT tapping!

If you’re not sure whether you have self-esteem issues, here are some behavioral signs to look out for:


1. You put too much pressure on yourself to become successful.

It seems the pressure comes from your surroundings. But it is your own mind that causes the feeling. The great news is you can change your programming. FasterEFT can help. It will let you experience your events, circumstances, and people differently.


2. You’re a people pleaser.

It happens to the best of us at times. How many times do you find yourself agreeing to do things that you don’t have time to do, can’t afford, or just don’t want to do?

How many favors have you done and felt taken advantage of later?

How many of your own sacrifices have you made to please someone else? They were for your happiness and well-being.

If you admire independent, confident, and carefree people, read on. Find out how to escape the people-pleaser trap.


3. You’re jealous all the time.

When you hear of someone achieving what you wish to, do you feel jealous instead of happy for them?

Does hearing about the good fortune of others only highlight your own misgivings and shortcomings?


4. You feel the urge to control everything around you.

You are constantly trying to get others to do as you say, or to see things from your point of view. That way, you feel like you have control over your life and circumstances, and this in turn makes you feel better about yourself.

This constant urge to control people can be very destructive. It harms relationships and the person feeling these emotions.


5. You dislike your body.

Most of us dislike something about our bodies. Some, with low self-esteem, go to the extreme. They develop body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Those with BDD are consumed by what they perceive to be wrong with their bodies.

In order to free yourself from body dysmorphic disorder, the first step is to recognize that BDD is not a disorder. It is a skill. Rather than something you are powerless against, it is simply the way your brain is currently operating – and you have the power to change it!


6. You find it hard to appreciate yourself.

Loving yourself can be challenging for many people. How do you love yourself? How can you appreciate yourself when you don’t like anything about yourself? The first thing to realize is this. Even the bad things you do to yourself are based on a subconscious belief. It's that you are being kept safe and aligned with your view of reality.

Your choices, behaviors, and actions are all based on the records held inside your subconscious that are designed to keep you safe. The good news is you don’t need to continue this way. In order to change how you love and appreciate yourself, you need to change those records. Read on to see how.


7. Nothing makes you happy.

No matter what you do, say, or think, you find it difficult to achieve and maintain happiness. You need a constant source from something outside of you to make you happy. You need to be complimented, taken notice of, cared for, pampered, praised, etc., all the time in order to feel like you matter.

FasterEFT is a powerful process. It knows how to align life to sustain happiness. Here’s how you can use the powerful FasterEFT system to free yourself from self-esteem issues once and for all.

We’d like you to think about a time, memory, or place when you felt underappreciated – think about the things or people that seemed to cause this feeling. Notice how you feel, then start using the FasterEFT Tapping Technique to address that feeling. Once the intensity of that feeling has reduced a little, go back and try to remember where you’ve felt that same feeling in the past – the earlier, the better.

If you don’t have any memories of fighting self-esteem issues in the past, then don’t worry! Just continue using the technique on your current feeling of not feeling valued. Notice your self-esteem issues. Then, repeat the FasterEFT process until you have flipped that feeling.

If you remember feeling unloved, unappreciated, or worthless, use the technique to address and flip each of those memories. The topics may differ, but the feelings are the same. Then go back to your current situation and test to see if you still feel the same.

Notice what’s still there, and then continue to use the FasterEFT tapping technique to flip it. Don’t stop until the feeling and the way you represent the situation have completely flipped.

From now on, when you feel self-esteem issues, use the Eutaptics tapping technique to tap out those feelings and flip them. Keep going and you’ll never have to suffer from self-esteem issues again!

You’ll be, and most importantly, feel more confident, happy, lucky, healthy, and independent.



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The post Fighting Self-Esteem Issues? Eutaptics Offers Resolution appeared first on Eutaptics® FasterEFT Trainings.