Benefits of Morning FasterEFT Tapping

Understanding Daily Hypnotic Trances: How Your Subconscious Mind Controls Habits
Have you ever noticed how much of your day seems to pass by on autopilot? From the moment you wake up until you go to bed at night, you’re constantly in and out of hypnotic trances. Your subconscious mind loves routine, and 90% of your daily activities are done without conscious thought.
The Trance of Daily Habits
When you’re doing housework, for example, you’re in a particular state – you no longer need to consciously make every decision. You clean your house almost automatically. The same goes for driving. When you first learned how to drive, you had to think about every action. Now, you can drive without consciously thinking about it. Again, you’re on autopilot, you’re in a trance.
Why Do We Go Into Trances?
We learn through repetition. The specific actions related to any experience are stored in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that acts as the “seat of the subconscious.” Not only are the actions recorded, but the chemical state of your body is also captured. This state can be reproduced in the future, allowing you to perform tasks without conscious thought. This is how we survive and thrive in our environment.
Breaking the Cycle: Morning Routine with FasterEFT
If you’ve ever woken up feeling anxious, in pain, or simply dreading the day ahead, there’s something simple you can do: make FasterEFT tapping your morning routine. Here’s how to start:
Prepare Your Tools: Keep a notepad and pen or pencil next to your bed before you go to sleep each night.
Make Your List: As soon as you wake up, write down everything that doesn’t feel good or that you’re worried about facing during the day. It could be a stressful meeting, confronting a co-worker, submitting a project, going for an interview, or even daily chores like taking your kids to school or paying a bill.
Tap It Out: Go through each item on your list and use the FasterEFT tapping technique to address each concern.
The Problem with Daily Trances
One of the biggest challenges in improving our lives is dealing with day-to-day stress. While reading a book, listening to music, attending a class, or working out can be effective in the short term, these effects often wear off when we return to our daily routines.
When you’re reading a book, listening to music, or attending a class, you’re not in one of your daily trances. You’re fully present, absorbing the experience. If you could stay in that state, free from automatic trances, you’d have a greater chance of retaining and applying what you’ve learned. However, because these trances are automatic and we’re largely unaware of them, we don’t always realize when we’re in one.
You might have noticed that it takes multiple classes before you remember the choreography, or several listens before you memorize a song. The same applies to self-improvement. You might start your day with enthusiasm, but then find yourself stressed, angry, or frustrated, unable to break free from old patterns. This can lead to frustration and the belief that the book, video, or class didn’t “work.”
The FasterEFT Solution
The key to changing these automatic responses lies in altering the original records stored in your subconscious. This is the essence of FasterEFT. By tapping first thing in the morning, you set yourself up for a better frame of mind for the rest of the day, enabling you to face stressors without falling back into a trance.
You’ll still be able to drive without consciously thinking about every action, but you’ll also be able to react calmly and rationally to challenges, like a driver cutting in front of you. Instead of letting anger ruin your day, you can change your automatic reaction. Your anger is based on data held in your subconscious, just like your driving skills. To change these automatic responses, you need to change that data.
By tapping with FasterEFT every morning and being consistent, this practice will become automatic, stored within your subconscious. You won’t need to consciously choose to feel calm; it will happen naturally, just as your anger once did.
Morning FasterEFT Tapping: Your Path to Daily Transformation
Using FasterEFT to address challenges is a powerful start. Follow the steps in the FasterEFT Technique – Step-by-Step. To continue seeing improvements in your daily life and reduce stress, make it a habit to tap first thing in the morning. As soon as you wake up and notice something bothering you, make a list, tap it out, and move forward with enthusiasm.
By choosing to use FasterEFT to tackle your daily stress, you’ll experience transformations in your life you never thought possible!
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