Stop Smoking the EASY WAY!

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Stop Smoking the Easy Way!

The greatest challenge with smoking is not the chemical addiction to nicotine (true with all addictions) but the emotional connections you’ve made with cigarettes. Smoking is yet another coping mechanism with emotional links to family memories, social gatherings, escaping the stress of work/relationship pressures, etc. It can represent “doing” something or “avoiding” something —

a way to feel “adult,” to fit in, to fill the void of loneliness or separation we feel inside, and so much more. It's a deep breath when we’re not breathing efficiently. It is unique to each individual, but when you change the memories and associations, you stop smoking. In this training, you’ll get 8+ hours of practice, demos, and education to help you start shifting this old relationship you have with smoking.

What is addressed in the videos:

  • Addiction in others, how tobacco affects families
  • The linking and dumping process
  • Fighting cravings with tapping
  • Smoking imprints
  • ‘Happy’ memories of smoking (people, places, and good times)
  • Unwinding with a cigarette and how to break the link
  • The lasting changes and the cleanup process
  • And so much more!

Feel good living your life how you want… Free to breathe!

Major Reasons People Quit:

  • I want to see my children and grandchildren growing up.
  • It's embarrassing, shameful, and unaccepted.
  • I don't want to suffer and die a painful death like someone I know.
  • I want to breathe with ease and not cough up phlegm.
  • I can spend my money better in other areas of my life.
  • I am tired of stinking all the time.
  • I don't like that cigarettes control my life.
  • I don't feel like an outcast as I am standing in the weather smoking.
  • I want to live long and healthy!
  • I want my family to be proud of me.

Shelly shares how she stopped smoking with the program.

Quit Smoking Easily:

We all know how bad smoking is for the body, but for those who are addicted to it, it can be very difficult — even impossible — to break the habit using willpower. Even the treatments that are available that help some people to stop smoking doesn’t work for everyone.

For those who have tried to stop using various methods but have still not managed to succeed in breaking the habit, it can seem hopeless. The truth is, there is something else going on besides a physical addiction to nicotine (that can be addressed using nicotine replacement methods).

While the conscious mind may have good intentions and be determined to quit smoking — and physical treatments are being used to help break the addiction — the subconscious has “proof” that the body needs to smoke. And the conscious mind is no match for the subconscious. In order to stop smoking naturally and permanently, you need to change the subconscious records that are supporting the need to smoke.

The Need to Smoke:

The need to smoke will vary from person to person, and will depend on the individual’s subconscious records which are created from their life experiences to date. From birth, the subconscious interprets every experience, and files the data, making connections between information and experiences that the conscious mind would never have thought of.

These connections provide the structure to each person’s perception of reality, who they are, and how the world works. Since these records are unconscious, the conscious mind is generally unaware of them.

This means that although these records form the foundation for the majority of our decisions, choices, views, opinions, behaviors, reactions, and everything else, we are completely unaware of that fact; and we believe we are consciously in control.

For Example:

Dianne has been trying to give up smoking for a year. Willpower didn’t work for her. Neither did nicotine patches and gum; hypnotherapy; and frightening herself by watching videos of people with throat and lung cancer. However, although each of these methods seemed to work for a short period of time (to varying degrees), she just couldn’t stop herself from going back to smoking.

She found that she was most likely to start the habit again when she was feeling stressed. She argued that smoking a cigarette helped to calm her nerves and made her feel more in control. As far as Dianne was concerned smoking had a physical effect on her body that calmed her that nothing else could come close to.

What Dianne’s conscious mind is unaware of is that her subconscious has made a connection that is causing her reliance on smoking — and it is not what she would think.

When she was a little girl, she struggled at school, and was bullied. Although neither of her parents smoke, she had an aunt that used to chain-smoke. Since Dianne’s parents both worked, she would go to her aunt’s home after school until it was time for her parents to get home from work.

Dianne had a close relationship with her aunt, and although her aunt took no action to stop the bullying, she would listen to Dianne and comfort her as she described what had happened at school. Dianne would feel great relief, comfort, and love as she sat on the couch with her aunt, looking into her caring, kind eyes. Her aunt would have one arm around the little girl, and a cigarette in the other hand, smoking one after the other.

The Connection:

Dianne’s aunt died when Dianne was 11 years old, and she was devastated by the loss. She missed her aunt terribly, and it took her a long time to get over the experience. As a teenager, Dianne had a boyfriend who smoked, and she felt that same comfort and love.

Although her conscious mind had not made the connection between the love and comfort of her aunt and the smell of cigarette smoke, her subconscious had created a very powerful connection. Although Dianne did not start smoking while she was with her boyfriend, when he broke up with her, she felt an overwhelming desire to try smoking. She found it helped her to feel better — calmer. And so, her addiction began.

As far as Dianne’s conscious mind was concerned, she was physically addicted to smoking; and the fact that the nicotine treatments didn’t work on her simply meant the addiction was too strong. The truth is, the nicotine treatments may well have worked; if her subconscious did not contain the foundational belief that she needed to smoke in order to feel calm.

None of the nicotine treatments came with that smell; that taste of smoke; that feeling of the smoke in her lungs. They had none of the effects that her subconscious had determined was the only way to feel comforted and calm.

The Cause of the Cravings:

Her subconscious would prompt her brain to trigger her body to produce the chemicals whenever she was feeling upset. And these chemicals caused her to crave a cigarette. When she didn’t smoke, her subconscious would prompt her brain to trigger her body to go into a higher state of fight or flight. It was a matter of “life or death” as far as her subconscious was concerned.

When she gave in and had a cigarette, as she inhaled the smoke, the signal would cause her brain to produce endorphins and other chemicals. And these would cause the fight or flight state to reduce, and produce an overall feeling of calm.

How to Use eutaptics® FasterEFT™ to Stop the Need to Smoke:

Stopping smoking effectively is about more than just being able to resist the cravings; it’s about getting rid of the need to smoke. Without the need to smoke, the cravings automatically vanish, and there is no need to resist them. eutaptics® FasterEFT™ works with the subconscious to make changes to the original records that cause our dependencies.

Start by thinking about your earliest memories of smoking — these are not necessarily memories of you smoking; they could be of the smell of smoke or seeing someone else smoking, etc.