The Connection:
Dianne’s aunt died when Dianne was 11 years old, and she was devastated by the loss. She missed her aunt terribly, and it took her a long time to get over the experience. As a teenager, Dianne had a boyfriend who smoked, and she felt that same comfort and love.
Although her conscious mind had not made the connection between the love and comfort of her aunt and the smell of cigarette smoke, her subconscious had created a very powerful connection. Although Dianne did not start smoking while she was with her boyfriend, when he broke up with her, she felt an overwhelming desire to try smoking. She found it helped her to feel better — calmer. And so, her addiction began.
As far as Dianne’s conscious mind was concerned, she was physically addicted to smoking; and the fact that the nicotine treatments didn’t work on her simply meant the addiction was too strong. The truth is, the nicotine treatments may well have worked; if her subconscious did not contain the foundational belief that she needed to smoke in order to feel calm.
None of the nicotine treatments came with that smell; that taste of smoke; that feeling of the smoke in her lungs. They had none of the effects that her subconscious had determined was the only way to feel comforted and calm.
The Cause of the Cravings:
Her subconscious would prompt her brain to trigger her body to produce the chemicals whenever she was feeling upset. And these chemicals caused her to crave a cigarette. When she didn’t smoke, her subconscious would prompt her brain to trigger her body to go into a higher state of fight or flight. It was a matter of “life or death” as far as her subconscious was concerned.
When she gave in and had a cigarette, as she inhaled the smoke, the signal would cause her brain to produce endorphins and other chemicals. And these would cause the fight or flight state to reduce, and produce an overall feeling of calm.
How to Use eutaptics® FasterEFT™ to Stop the Need to Smoke:
Stopping smoking effectively is about more than just being able to resist the cravings; it’s about getting rid of the need to smoke. Without the need to smoke, the cravings automatically vanish, and there is no need to resist them. eutaptics® FasterEFT™ works with the subconscious to make changes to the original records that cause our dependencies.
Start by thinking about your earliest memories of smoking — these are not necessarily memories of you smoking; they could be of the smell of smoke or seeing someone else smoking, etc.