Manifesting Your Desires the Most Effective Way

The Law of Attraction says that whatever it is you desire will be manifested into your life experience. This is true; it also says that everything you resonate with will be attracted into your reality. There is no argument about the power of the Law of Attraction.
But the common question is not how this immutable law operates, but how we can use it to work for us and make us happy.
You may recite your affirmations a thousand times, like a mantra, to attract someone or an ideal relationship. But you may see no result.
In such a case, you may blame the law of attraction.
But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t work.
To truly harness the power of this law and make it work for us, we need to first work on ourselves. The moment you have achieved even just the smallest progress in controlling your mind and understanding your emotions, manifesting your desires will become easier.
Why is the Law of Attraction Working Against You?
It may feel like the Law of Attraction is working against you simply because you are not resonating with what it is you are truly wanting. To affirm and send out to the universe that you want a relationship, for example, is one thing. But what if you feel like you’re going to stay single forever is quite another.
Of course, the birth of every manifestation is a process of creation and affirming that desire. But when you send it out, it also requires work on your end. It doesn’t just arrive all because you are anticipating it.
You need to first learn how to align with it and hold no doubt within you that you deserve it. A relationship, for example, will not arrive if you are not emotionally matching your desire. In other words, you also need to be emotionally prepared to receive what it is you are desiring.
A mismatch in the emotions you hold about any particular desire will cause its absence. You may feel that the gap between you and your desires is widening. This could frustrate and disappoint you.
The law of attraction is not working against you. Focusing on your unfulfilled desire will make it show up more. That's where you are putting your attention.
In other words, pay closer attention to the emotions you fuel your desires with, and ask yourself, “How will I truly feel if I have (whatever it is that you want)?"
If you can feel without a trace of doubt that you deserve it, the law of attraction will help you manifest it and bring it to your reality. But if you send out a desire and have fears, doubts, and negative thoughts, it will create more of what you fear. It will also create a lack of what you truly want.
How Do You Rid Yourself of Fears and Doubts?
The first step is to notice that you have fears and doubts. Sometimes, even though we think we are consciously choosing our reality and responses to it, we are unaware of hidden fears and doubts.
We seldom consciously choose our reactions to life. Our thoughts, desires, dreams, and goals are based on our memories. They come from our life experiences.
For example, you want to be successful. There is no doubt you are truly wanting it based on the fact that you recognize you want to progress professionally and financially.
You hold within you the idea that success will make you happier, that success will make you a better person.
However, subconsciously, you may also be fearing success or some aspects of it. Say, for example, you might fear that success will change you or change the people around you. Or simply that you do not really see yourself becoming very successful and are just desiring it for the sake of at least having a desire.
Such beliefs, even the ones you force your mind to believe, are actually as powerful as your desires. For negative thoughts also carry emotions. Meaning they are also being used by your mind when you aim for success.
This makes the law of attraction seem not to work when, in reality, it is working perfectly in manifesting what you feel to be true about success.
To resolve the issue. You need to, of course, find the source of your fears. This is what makes FasterEFT the best tool in making the Law of Attraction work for anyone. The source of our fears is the imprints or memories we subconsciously hold. We may not be aware they exist, but they are the forerunners of many of our life’s problems.
A system like FasterEFT can change the way you respond to your fears. It can help you collapse the structure of fear within your mental programs and help you achieve a mind free of negative beliefs about yourself.
The result is making your desires manifest faster and getting rid of the feelings of disappointment and frustration as you wait.
Emotions Fuel All Desires
Emotions are the true magic recipe in manifesting all your desires. It is a common but overlooked thought. We think the Law of Attraction is all about thinking and wisely launching desires for the universe to hear and deliver.
But the reality is, it is our emotions that make any desire powerful. It is our emotions that determine the speed at which our desires appear in our physical reality.
It makes sense. In practicing the Law of Attraction, we must watch our negative thoughts. They create the gap between you and happiness. FasterEFT (Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations) is a technique that one can use to make the Law of Attraction work positively in their lives.
You Can Change Yourself Master Training LIVE
September 21 to 27, 2024
This life-changing Live training is the foundational course of the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Training System.
By the end of the five weeks, you will have an unparalleled understanding of how the mind works, you’ll know the basic eutaptics® FasterEFT™ formula, and be provided with all that you need to be successful in your journey to healing, health, and emotional freedom.
This course is meant for anyone who wants to learn the most effective way to solve your personal problems — quickly and permanently - whether or not you have any previous experience changing memories and tapping! Through the expert teachings of Robert Gene Smith, you will develop the mastery to:
- Overcome life-long trauma
- Move beyond struggles with depression & anxiety
- Curb chronic illness & allergies
- And free yourself from low self-esteem, fears/phobias, and more…
Not only is this course designed to completely reinvent YOUR life and your understanding of how the mind works, but it is also the first step in our Certified eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Practitioner Track. Learn how to help others professionally and make a life of emotional freedom a reality for yourself and the ones you care about.
The greatest investment you can make is in your own health and well-being and this is the best place to start living a better life.
Click here for more information about the training.
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