Food is Not the Addiction, its Only an Emotional Escape

Addiction is a huge problem in the United States, in 2019, the Association of American Medical Colleges reported that 21.2 million have an issue with substance abuse. One of the biggest substances that are abused in the United States is food. People who experience trauma, depression, or even stress tend to use food as a coping method. What if you could fix that addiction without a fancy diet, personal trainers, or surgeries? What if the food addiction was just a cover-up for a deeper emotional problem?
In the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ program, there are weekly Tap-Along classes where clients can express the emotional struggles they have been experiencing. Let me tell you a story about a client who volunteered to share her story about using food as an emotional escape.
Suyin's story is heartbreaking; she was using food as an emotional escape due to the high amounts of stress she had going on in life; she often found herself overindulging in chips and other snacks when her stress level got high. She began her story by talking about how she moved to the United States from Taiwan with her husband. Suyin mentioned how her husband was ex-military and, due to his training, was very controlling, and he would often make decisions without Suyin’s opinion. Now, in her culture, it is very common for the man in the marriage to take care of all financial needs, so she never questioned anything. Suyin explained that he was very mentally abusive, but she still loved him. She then mentioned that when he was diagnosed with a type of bone cancer, she did everything in her power to take care of him until the day he died. In his last words, she mentioned that it was all about himself, and it broke her heart. She supported everything he did and never questioned it.
When Suyin’s husband died, she mentioned how she found out he left her with a large amount of debt and no way to pay it off, from secret loans in her name to massive credit card debt. Suyin talked about how he did not leave her with anything to pay all the debt off. Suyin was broken and did not know what to do, so she used food to escape her emotions. Suyin knew it was a problem and even with her massive amount of debt, she managed to borrow enough money to join Robert Gene’s eutaptics® FasterEFT™.
Robert Gene guided her to realize she was a strong, amazing woman with a great work ethic and how she could overcome her abusive deceased husband and live a more positive life. Suyin was nervous and very emotional telling her story to everyone in the meeting but with Robert's help and the methods of eutaptics® FasterEFT™. Suyin was laughing and smiling by the end of the night. Robert helped Suyin trace her addiction to different memories and past traumas she experienced. Once Robert found the root of what caused the addiction, he used the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ method to help Suyin reprogram those memories.
Each person who volunteers in the Tap-Along is guided by Robert through a step-by-step process by eliciting their emotional strategy and helping them realize that the addiction is just a facade, and the problem is emotional escapism. People who join the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ program come feeling broken and lost, like they have lost all hope in themselves. These people have tried other addiction programs and have failed.
The reason this program works is that Robert Gene Smith’s eutaptics® FasterEFT™ works on trying to reprogram the subconscious mind instead of trying to fix the problems. Robert Gene says: “There are no broken people, and a problem is simply a successful undesirable outcome, based on internal references." Change the references, and you change the automatic outcome.
The most important thing about Robert’s program is that it is giving someone a tool to daily process stress and emotions throughout one's life. This program gives people a replacement for the original coping skills used in one's daily life, which helps them overcome the emotional triggers they may face.
The more effort people put into the program, the better the results will be. eutaptics® FasterEFT™ works, and all it requires is an open mind and the will to make the change needed to live a better life. The program can be done in the comfort of the client's home and does not involve a diet or gym routine; it only involves the client and their mind. The only similar thing the program has is that it requires drive, consistency, and the will to change your life.
Resources to help you start your journey with FasterEFT:
- FREE 5-Day eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Course
- Heal Your Body by Changing Your Mind
- Weight Loss Brain Training - Lose it with Ease!!
- Free Yourself From Addiction