Find and Keep Health, Wealth & Happiness with This One Life Hack – Success Story

This is the magic of eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping in action.
We’re sharing Paula’s testimonial to show you how and why this technique works where others have failed.
This is the experience of thousands of people who have used eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Training to heal themselves.
It’s a one-stop solution for health, wealth, and emotional problems. There’s no limit to the success you can achieve once you really learn to apply it to all areas of your life. You don’t have to wait until you have hit rock bottom to start climbing to the top; you can start right now with this easy-to-use technique.
Here’s how it works:
For many people, the reason they are unable to achieve what they want in life is a subconscious fear.
This may seem strange at first – fearing the thing they want most – but when you look a little deeper, it makes perfect sense.
Since the fear is subconscious, the conscious mind has no idea it’s there; and the person continues to strive and try to achieve their goals while experiencing one failure after another.
eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Tapping and Fear
If someone really wants good health, more wealth, or a loving relationship – why would they have a fear of getting what they want?
This fear is based on subconscious references built from past life experiences that provide “evidence” that if they were to achieve their goal, something bad would happen.
The foundation for fear can be created from various experiences – very often, these do not have anything to do with your current problems.
Fortunately, using eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping means you do not need to know the original cause.
You only need to know how you know you feel fear.
Ask this question to yourself: How do you know you have this fear?
And then address that; and as you clear and flip that, other thoughts, feelings, and memories will come up that are connected. As long as you keep your focus on “how you know," your subconscious will do the work for you in transforming the data.
Paula says:
"I know for a fact that removing FEAR will instantly heal a "condition", which is nothing short of a miracle. It has to be experienced! In my humble opinion, your work is the Quantum Physics, Jesus was teaching people but the world wasn't quite ready for. We are to the point now where the soaring cost of medical "treatment" versus just saying, "Hey, there has to be a better way, maybe he actually knew what he was talking about! My wallet may force me to pay some attention to some advanced principles of simplified healing!"
eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Tapping and Healing
She’s now a fierce advocate of using eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping for healing because of the results she has seen in her own life.
"RUN FROM THEIR CURES! Most are worthless! Stay away from doctors! Stop thinking western medicine is going to save you. Start learning natural cures and use your MIND to cure your EMOTIONS which are making you sick in the first place! Louise Hay wrote the book! Every dis-ease has a metaphysical metaphor behind it. Robert Gene Smith can teach you how to heal yourself in a jiffy! THIS WORKS. Western meds, not so much. When severe pain instantly vanishes from your body, and never comes back, you become a believer!"
The results can be hard to believe, especially when you hear things like cancer, diabetes, chronic pain, Lyme disease, OCD, PTSD being cured, just through eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping.
Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations (eutaptics® FasterEFT™), is a mind-based system, founded on Neurology and Biology.
Emotions affect both our physical and mental well-being, so it follows that once your turbulent emotions are healed and cleaned up, you’ll have overall well-being.
The foundation belief in eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping is that there is no disruption of energy, unlike traditional EFT.
In fact, everything in your life and body is functioning as it should. According to the way the brain has developed in order to survive in the environment, depending on your life’s experiences. In eutaptics® FasterEFT™, the tapping is used to disrupt the signal between the brain and the major organs of the body that trigger the fight or flight response while changing neural pathways in the neocortex of the brain.
eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping doesn’t just deal with energy disruptions, which only fixes the outer issue of the problem. It deals with the root cause of the problems, eliminating them completely. eutaptics® FasterEFT™ tapping recognizes that experiences are recorded in the subconscious for future reference.
This is how we learn to walk, drive, take a shower, eat, wash the dishes, type etc. without needing to consciously concentrate on every movement and decision.
Regular EFT specifically believes that negative emotions have nothing to do with memories, and are caused only by a disruption in the body’s energy system.
The eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Tapping Basic Recipe interrupts that signal between the brain and the organs by focusing on the meridian points connected to those organs. This rewrites the reference or memory associated with that trigger.
And just like Paula, there are thousands of others who have experienced incredible results.
Witness more of the success stories here.