Embracing the Most Embarrassing Parts of Your Body
Loving the parts of ourselves that we don’t like isn’t always easy. Does “embracing yourself” mean you should give yourself a break? Does it mean giving in to all your desires and cravings, or letting yourself off the hook?
Does it mean staying in bed all day when you feel like it? Or does it mean forcing yourself to go to the gym at 6 am because it’s good for you; or working extra hours to get the money you need for that vacation? For most people, there are a lot of conflicting thoughts and feelings around “being good to” themselves.
Here is a step-by-step guide to changing your life by embracing the parts of yourself, both emotionally and physically, that you may not like:
What does “Embracing Yourself” mean?
We all have physical aspects of ourselves that we would like to change. Maybe you think your nose is too big, or you’d like bigger breasts, or your hips are too wide, or you’re too tall, or you’re too short, etc. Whatever the apparent flaw may be, you try to do everything to hide it or get rid of it.
Embracing yourself means loving yourself regardless of the way you are. It means treating yourself as you would treat someone you value highly.
Most of us are raised with varying degrees of discipline, criticism, and judgment, and we tend to take over from where those who raised us left off. We have a tendency to treat ourselves as badly, or worse than those who had a negative impact on our lives early on.
Being good to yourself means:
Making choices that are good for your well-being.
Treating yourself kindly
Speaking of yourself in a kind and compassionate manner.
Doing things that make you happy and healthy.
Spending time on things that feel good.
Changing all of the bad memories you’re carrying in your subconscious so that you are only carrying happy memories provides evidence that you deserve the best.
Embracing the embarrassing parts of your body – Step-by-Step
The reason you are ashamed of your physical ‘flaws’ is that of the automatic subconscious programming that is running in the background of your life constantly. To find out more about this programming, how it’s created, and how it works, read The REAL Cause of All Your Problems.
In order to naturally embrace your flaws, without effort, you need to change the records to which your subconscious is referring that are prompting your current actions, choices, and perspectives.
Step One
Make the decision to love yourself and your flaws. Remember to treat yourself with compassion and with the same respect you would show to someone you love and value.
Step Two
Address any resistance to this decision by using FasterEFT to flip the “proof” your subconscious is carrying that you shouldn’t embrace your body just as it is. Use the FasterEFT technique to address your bad memories and experiences, to clean out everything that is contaminating your happiness.
Step Three
Use the FasterEFT technique in the moment to clear and change the habits that cause you to treat yourself badly. This could be not looking at yourself in the mirror because you don’t like what you see, saying unkind things to yourself because of the way you look, depriving yourself of social company because you don’t think you look great, etc.
For more detailed guidance in using FasterEFT, read: The FasterEFT Technique – Step-by-Step.
Start to become aware of these self-limiting thoughts and feelings in the moment and tap on anything and everything that comes up that feels bad or that you know is bad for you. The thoughts given above are just some examples.
Self-hate comes in many forms, so you have to be vigilant about what thoughts and feelings you choose to entertain about yourself and your body.
Notice the language you’re using about yourself and to yourself and tap into the thoughts and feelings behind it and any memories that support it.
Notice the choices you’re making regarding your health, and tap out any detrimental habits such as overeating and smoking. Use FasterEFT to transform any resistance to healthy choices (like exercise and healthy food) into natural desires.
The aim is to change your current programming that supports body shaming to allow you to naturally and automatically make better choices for yourself – without needing to force yourself or use willpower.
Making the choice to embrace yourself wholeheartedly is an important step. Using FasterEFT to clear the programming that has been preventing you from loving your body is essential in order to achieve that goal easily and automatically.
"You Can Change Yourself Master Training"
Hybrid Live/Online
August 17-September 14, 2024
This life-changing Hybrid Live/Online training is the foundational course of the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Training System.
By the end of the five weeks, you will have an unparalleled understanding of how the mind works, you’ll know the basic eutaptics® FasterEFT™ formula, and be provided with all that you need to be successful in your journey to healing, health, and emotional freedom.
This course is meant for anyone who wants to learn the most effective way to solve your personal problems — quickly and permanently - whether or not you have any previous experience changing memories and tapping! Through the expert teachings of Robert Gene Smith, you will develop the mastery to:
- Overcome life-long trauma
- Move beyond struggles with depression & anxiety
- Curb chronic illness & allergies
- And free yourself from low self-esteem, fears/phobias, and more…
Not only is this course designed to completely reinvent YOUR life and your understanding of how the mind works, it is also the first step in our Certified eutaptics® FasterEFT™ Practitioner Track. Learn how to help others professionally and make a life of emotional freedom a reality for yourself and the ones you care about.
The greatest investment you can make is in your own health and well-being and this is the best place to start living a better life.
Click here for more information about the training.
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Embracing the most embarrassing parts of your body can boost self-esteem and confidence. Learn how to shift your perspective, practice self-compassion, and celebrate your uniqueness with practical tips and positive strategies.