Rita Homai, eutaptics® FasterEFT™ L4 Practitioner, skillstochange.com
eutaptics® FasterEFT™ L4 Practitioner

Rita Homai

eutaptics® FasterEFT™ L4 Practitioner

Location: Budapest, Hungary

Speaks: English, Hungarian

Phone: +36304572963

Specializes in:

  • Auto-immune disorders
  • Divorce
  • Endometriosis
  • Skin problems
  • Weight loss

Other Credentials:

  • Certified FasterEFT™ Practitioner since 2014
  • One Brain® Kinesiology Level 10: Stress Diffusion, Eye Movement Therapy, Brain Integration Exercises, Structural Neurology, NLP, Pain reduction,  Bach Flower Remedies
  • Touch for Health: - Acupressure and Neurovascular Contact Points, Meridian Balance
  • Recall Healing Seminars: Unlocking the Secret of Illness; Digestion Disorders - Weight Loss; Children and inner Child
  • German New Medicine: The 5 Biological Laws;  Biological Special Programs ( ongoing studies)
  • Seminars Secret Advices for Women 1-2: Unconscious Biological Survival Programs of the male/female brain - Conflicts and Resolutions
  • Biology of Belief - Live Conference with Dr. Bruce Lipton
  • Master’s Degree in Architecture  - Architecture was my profession, now I do what I’m meant to do.