Coping with the Stresses of Parenting

Coping with the Stresses of Parenting,

Recall the excitement of Alice Cooper's "School's Out For Summer" song during your childhood and the freedom it symbolized. Have you ever considered how parents feel about this time? When children are home for extended periods, they can trigger frustration and stress in parents. At Skills To Change Institute, we recognize the challenges of parenting and have developed a solution to alleviate stress and overcome parental frustrations.

In a recent Tap-Along session, Sydney, a single mother managing multiple children and a home-based business, bravely shared her story. Struggling with rage and patience issues, Sydney turned to eutaptics® FasterEFT™ seeking relief. Having been part of the program for a year and a half, Sydney recently embarked on the Level 1 “You Can Change Yourself Master Training Course” and had been six months free of anxiety medication.

Sydney candidly discussed how her children's presence at home often led to overwhelming frustration, causing her patience to wear thin. Raised in an environment where her mother's high-pitched yelling left emotional scars, Sydney found herself triggered by similar behavior from her own children. Robert Smith, the program's creator, identified this as a key emotional trigger and guided Sydney through the eutaptics® FasterEFT™ process to release these pent-up emotions.

During the Tap-Along, with her children audibly active in the background, Sydney experienced a transformation. Through the process, she learned to remain calm and composed, even amidst chaos. With Robert's guidance, Sydney reprogrammed her subconscious, allowing her to respond to her children with calmness and peace.

Witnessing Sydney's newfound sense of calm and relief was truly remarkable.

Robert Gene's training methodology empowers individuals to address emotional struggles step by step, unlocking their potential for emotional resilience and growth.

If you're facing daily stressors or emotional tensions, our courses cater to various issues like PTSD, weight loss, stress, and anger management. Additionally, our Tap-Along sessions offer a supportive environment for transformational change.

Investing in your mental and emotional well-being today is crucial to avoid future suffering from neglect. As Robert Gene aptly stated, “If you are not investing in your mental and emotional health today, then tomorrow you’ll suffer from neglect with illness, addiction, and misery.”